Legal Resources
NAMI Finger Lakes provides information about local resources for individuals living with mental health conditions and their families. In case of an emergency that requires police assistance, call 911 and ask for Emergency Responders with mental health experience. If you have a questions or suggestions concerning these resources contact us at support@namifingerlakes.org.
Legal/Criminal Justice Resources
How to Help When a Person With Mental Illness is Arrested (PDF) - Handbook from NAMI-NYS and the Urban Justice Center.
When a Person With Mental Illness Goes to Prison (PDF) A guide from the Urban Justice Center for anyone who has a loved one with a mental illness in the New York State (NYS) prison system.
Navigating the Mental Health Maze: A Guide for Court Practitioners – A guide for criminal justice professionals such as lawyers, judges and parole officers who are interested in better understanding mental illness and the mental health system.
Mental Health Association of Tompkins County Justice Program - A Justice Support program that assists individuals who are incarcerated, on probation or dealing with court systems with developing personal recovery plans, finding and utilizing community resources, accessing community based behavioral health supports and more.
Law Help NY - An online hub for helping marginalized and under-resourced New Yorkers address legal problems by providing online access to high-quality, user-friendly information.
Mental Hygiene Legal Service - A legal advocacy program which provides legal services, advice and assistance to persons receiving care or alleged to be in need of care at inpatient and community-based facilities for the mentally disabled.
NYS Justice Center - Advocacy center committed to supporting and protecting the health, safety, and dignity of all people with special needs.
Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law – Advocacy center working for the full inclusion and equality of adults and children with mental disabilities. Their work includes litigation, public policy advocacy, coalition building and leadership, public education, media outreach and technical assistance.
Please note this guide is purely for informational purposes and is not intended to provide professional advice or recommendations. Persons making use of the information contained in this guide do so at their own risk. NAMI Finger Lakes hereby disclaims any liability for any damage arising, directly or indirectly, from the use of the information contained in the resource guides.