Lending Library
Our mission is to provide advocacy, education, support and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives.”
NAMI Finger Lakes maintains a lending library of books, pamphlets, CDs, and DVDs on all aspects of mental illness located at our office in Center Ithaca.
Contact us for current office hours or to schedule an appointment to browse the library.
Office phone: 607-288-2460
E-mail: support@namifingerlakes.org
Location: 171 E. State St., Suite 275, Ithaca, NY 14850
An online catalog of NAMI Finger Lakes can be viewed at our online catalog.
NAMI New York State Lending Library
NAMI NY offers its members access to hundreds of books and DVDs about numerous mental health topics. NAMI-NYS members have free access to the library and can borrow any item for up to thirty days. Members can browse their library and have their choices sent right to their front doors. NAMI-NYS will pay shipping and handling to send library items but members must pay for return shipping.